Search:Misc.: 1839-1865
Misc.: 1839-1865
showing: 21 to 27 of 27
21 to 27 of 27
Michael Burr The Sermon Extinguisher $150.
Etienne Carjat Frederick Lemaitre in Large Format $450.
Charles Marville Hotel de Ville, Angouleme $550.
Anonymous Railroad Construction in the Mountains $250.
Etienne Carjat Lemaitre 2 $75.
Adolphe Braun Farmyard by Braun $2,800.
Hippolyte DeliƩ Shoe-Shine Man $350.
Search:Misc.: 1839-1865
Search:Misc.: 1839-1865
showing: 21 to 27 of 27
21 to 27 of 27